She has a name!

She has a name!

After hundreds of entries we have chosen a name for our new arrival

We’re delighted to say that we have named our very precious Siamang baby after an inspirational little girl called ‘Miliya’ (pronounced Millie-yah).

The competition to name the zoo’s first ever Siamang gibbon baby was hugely popular and we received hundreds of suggestions from the public. After carefully looking through all of the suggestions, staff decided to name the baby ‘Miliya’ after a wonderful little girl, who sadly passed away in February.

Miliya O’Shea was only 8-years-old but had always had a passion for wildlife. She has raised over $7000 towards conservation projects and during her life she encouraged peers to do the same. Miliya’s mum, Megan O’Shea, entered the zoo’s poll in honour of her little girl.

Megan said: “She was smart and cheeky just like this gibbon and she loved animals.

“She won both the Service and Environmental awards at her school for her work educating others on conservation projects. Her wish to help animals began after hearing about the extinction of the Tasmanian tiger. Her hope was that she could help save another species from extinction.
“This is a fitting tribute to a smart, beautiful, caring, one-of-a-kind little girl.”

Siamang gibbons face many risks in the wild and it is young people like Miliya, and our future generations who will ensure they are protected.

Miliya was such an amazing young person and the National Zoo & Aquarium thanks her for everything she did for wildlife. Thank you also to Meg and her family for getting in touch and suggesting such a beautiful name for our important new addition.

Miliya raised thousands of dollars for conservation as an Australia Zoo Wildlife Warrior. Her legacy continues and you can donate to the cause here